Amber Runyon: Founder of Eleventh Candle Co.

Affiliate disclaimer: Heads up! There are affiliate links in these show notes. What that means is if you click on a link and then make a purchase, I make a small percentage of money because I referred you. This comes at no additional cost to you. I only share products and resources that I trust and that I know will help you in your business. Grateful for your support!On today's show, I have Amber Runyon who is the founder of Eleventh Candle Co, which is a social enterprise who helps redeem, restore, empower, and equip those vulnerable to human trafficking, abuse, exploitation and addiction.Amber and I talk about how a trip to Ethiopia led her to start Eleventh Candle Co and how she got involved in helping people who have been abused or exploited, what people misconceive about human trafficking and what she wants people to know about those who are trafficked, abused, and addicted, how to be a better listener, tips on unplugging and self care when you run an emotion-heavy business and so much more!Excited for you to tune in and hope you enjoy!Amber Runyon | Founder of Eleventh Candle Co.: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for a social entrepreneur running a non-profit company? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast with Amber Runyon, founder of Eleventh Candle Co. to find out!

Amber Runyon | Founder of Eleventh Candle Co.

Show notes

In today's episode, you'll find out:

  • What led Amber to start Eleventh Candle Co even though she had no prior business experience.
  • The most difficult part of running a business that helps people who have experienced sex trafficking.
  • What people misconceive about human trafficking.
  • The one thing Amber wants people to know about human trafficking.
  • Tips on how you can be a better listener.
  • Self-care tips for people who struggle with "unplugging" from their work.
  • How she continues to stay motivated and encouraged while running an emotion-heavy business.
Amber Runyon | Founder of Eleventh Candle Co.: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for a social entrepreneur running a non-profit company? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast with Amber Runyon, founder of Eleventh Candle Co. to find out!
Amber was previously a Hospice Nurse who became a social entrepreneur. She founded Legacy and Eleventh Candle Co. out of the desire to bring hope to women both in the United States and in Ethiopia who’ve been vulnerable to human trafficking, abuse, exploitation, and addiction. Focusing on providing therapeutic work setting that allows all women a fair chance and opportunity to grow.She believes that if we teach little girls to dream they will the force that changes this world, she believes more than that; that if we can teach broken women to dream like little girls again it will be a force that the world has yet to see.

Key takeaways from this episode

The way you make real, true, change is that you narrow in on a specific task. - Amber Runyon[bctt tweet="If I'm trying to fix all of their problems, from raped to redeemed, I'm not going to fix any of their problems. - @11thcandleco" via="no"]For me, it's a true challenge to stay super focused on what we do, which is employment and trauma care. - Amber RunyonHealing happens in small communities. - Amber Runyon[bctt tweet="Therapy is a priority. One, for myself. And two, for my company. - @11thcandleco" via="no"]We have to stop making it like it's a bad thing. The best and most healthy people I know are in therapy. - Amber RunyonI don't make any decisions after 6pm. There's no decision in my business that is going to be life or death after 6pm. - Amber RunyonI don't check my email repeatedly because then I can't be present where I'm at. - Amber Runyon[bctt tweet="Often people just want to be heard. They don't want to be fixed. They want to be heard. - @11thcandleco" via="no"]It's not necessarily about the number of people that we affect, but how deeply we affect the people we have the opportunity to help. - Amber RunyonI can't serve from a place that's empty. - Amber Runyon[bctt tweet="Every person is going to fall. The question is, how do you rise? - @11thcandleco" via="no"]We have to begin to be people that do things before they effect us. - Amber Runyon

Amber Runyon | Founder of Eleventh Candle Co.: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for a social entrepreneur running a non-profit company? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast with Amber Runyon, founder of Eleventh Candle Co. to find out!

Links to resources

My favorite Brene Brown books:

Follow Amber:

Amber Runyon | Founder of Eleventh Candle Co.: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for a social entrepreneur running a non-profit company? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast with Amber Runyon, founder of Eleventh Candle Co. to find out!

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Amber Runyon | Founder of Eleventh Candle Co.: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for a social entrepreneur running a non-profit company? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast with Amber Runyon, founder of Eleventh Candle Co. to find out!

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