Jyo Carolino: Fight Choreographer and Stunt Coordinator

On today's show, I have Jyo Carolino who is a Fight Choreographer & Stunt Coordinator located in Memphis TN.We chat about how he got started in the fight choreography industry, what he thinks people misconceive about the stunt industry, his biggest struggles and his worst injuries, advice he'd give to someone who wants to work in the stunt industry and who he'd love to work on set with!Also, as a side note, the podcast will be taking a summer break! I will be taking the month of June 2018 off from releasing new episodes but don't worry, I have a few fun, shorter episodes that will be releasing before I come back with full interviews in July.Excited for you to tune in and hope you enjoy!Jyo Carolino | Fight Choreographer and Stunt Coordinator: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for a fight choreographer? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast interviewing Jyo Carolino to find out!

Jyo Carolino | Fight Choreographer and Stunt Coordinator

Show notes

In today's episode, you'll find out:

  • Jyo got started in the fight choreography industry
  • One thing he thinks people misconceive about being a fight choreographer.
  • His biggest struggles in his career.
  • Advice he would give to someone who would want to work in the fight choreography industry.

Jyo "Six" Carolino is a stunt coordinator and fight choreographer representing the Society of American Fight Directors and Dance Nocturnal Productions. He grew up studying many forms of martial arts and self-defence shooting before developing a passion for theatrical violence. His choreography has spanned over half a decade throughout the midsouth -- including the award-winning Dance Nocturnal film, I AM SPARTAN and the web series GAUNTLET RUN. Six is also a freelance voice actor and motion capture specialist. His voice can be heard on Chatterbox Audio Theatre, several audiobooks, and a local radio station.

Jyo Carolino | Fight Choreographer and Stunt Coordinator: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for a fight choreographer? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast interviewing Jyo Carolino to find out!

Key takeaways from this episode

“I come in and design the fights and create the illusion of violence on film sets and theater.” - Jyo Carolino[bctt tweet="Truthfully, I didn't know I would get into this industry. - @thelegendarysix " via="no"][bctt tweet="The reality is, throughout the filming process, a lot of things change. - @thelegendarysix" via="no"][bctt tweet="The way that a lot of stunt performers end up getting hired is word of mouth. - @thelegendarysix" via="no"]“When I'm working as a performer I try not to be the coordinator as well so I can maintain a level of objectivity.” - Jyo Carolino“I think at the end of the day, I like to perform more than anything else.” - Jyo Carolino[bctt tweet="I think people have this assumption that we're all crazy dare devils. - @thelegendarysix" via="no"]“My favorite scenes to shoot are always going to be some epic, badass sword fights.” - Jyo Carolino[bctt tweet="I think the real problem with, not just my career but with stunts in general, is the fact that we're designed and treated as expendable. - @thelegendarysix" via="no"]“Indie sets seem to be a lot more appreciative of what we do.” - Jyo Carolino[bctt tweet="Coming out of there like a rockstar after walking on like a nobody. - @thelegendarysix" via="no"]

Links to resources

Follow Jyo:

Jyo Carolino | Fight Choreographer and Stunt Coordinator: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for a fight choreographer? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast interviewing Jyo Carolino to find out!

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Jyo Carolino | Fight Choreographer and Stunt Coordinator: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for a fight choreographer? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast interviewing Jyo Carolino to find out!