2 Ways I'm Being More Vulnerable in 2019 & Tips on How You Can Too
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Hello, hello and we are back from our winter break with the first minisode of 2019 and we are starting with a bang by talking about vulnerability.
We've touched a little on this in a past minisode about setting fear aside but I want to talk more specifically about vulnerability as that was a topic we discussed thoroughly during this week's interview with Alexis Teichmiller.
Being vulnerable is hard for me, like it is for almost anyone else. The reasons why it's hard for me is because I don't like being seen as weak or like I can't do something or that I don't know what I'm doing.
I think most people have those fears or similar fears so even though I know I'm not alone in those feelings...being vulnerable is still hard. Nobody likes the feeling of rejection. Nobody likes the feeling of loneliness.
But it's interesting because when people are most vulnerable, we celebrate their strength. We love seeing others be so raw, honest and open but it's still difficult for us to be comfortable with sharing our own vulnerabilities.
Tune in to find out the two ways I'm being more vulnerable in 2019, tips for how you can too, and my challenge on being more vulnerable.
2 Ways I'm Being More Vulnerable in 2019 & Tips on How You Can Too
Links to resources
- Setting fear aside minisode
- Brene Brown’s TED Talk on vulnerability
- Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
- Day in the Life Facebook group
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Thanks so much for tuning in. See ya next week!