Day in the Life of Alexis Teichmiller, ConvertKit Affiliate Manager

Day in the life of Alexis Teichmiller, ConvertKit Affiliate Manager: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for a ConvertKit employee? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast interview with Alexis Teichmiller to find out! #convertkit #emailmarketing #entrepreneurship #authenticity #vulnerability

Affiliate disclaimer: Heads up! There are affiliate links in these show notes. What that means is if you click on a link and then make a purchase, I make a small percentage of money because I referred you. This comes at no additional cost to you. I only share products and resources that I trust and that I know will help you in your business. Grateful for your support!

Hello hello and welcome back to the Day in the Life podcast!

Happy 2019 everyone! I can't believe we are already halfway through the first month of 2019, so crazy!

Anyways, before we get to today's episode, I wanted to share a few housekeeping updates before diving in.

As most of you know, this podcast is a passion project of mine and not a primary way I make income. I was feeling really burnt out from all of the work I had taken on and taking a break was really good for me.

So...with that, a few updates:

1) We're going to try something new for the podcast this year...we'll be doing seasons!

Our "second" season will run January 15-April 2 and we will take a 6-week break in between before the third season starts.

I have some fun plans for the mini-breaks though so you aren't left with no new content :)

2) Minisodes will still be happening on Fridays and I'm hoping to make them more action & value-packed.

I want us all to be challenged on how we can improve our days, whether it's physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etc and I want to use these minisodes to motivate and challenge you (and me!)

3) I've decided to launch a YouTube account!

I've talked about this with countless people, some even in this group, and I'm committing to making it happen this year.

My biggest hesitation around starting a YouTube account for the Day in the Life has been my fear of putting it all out there.

Ya see, if I'm sharing what my daily life is like, I have to share the good AND the bad AND the ugly. And that intimidates me but I'm willing myself to push past that and show matter what.

I haven't decided an exact date of launch yet but it's coming...and I'm putting it here so you guys can keep me accountable.

SO! Now that that's out of the way... let's get to today's episode!

Today's interview is with Alexis Teichmiller who is the ConvertKit Affiliate Manager. (Don't worry, if you don't know what an affiliate manager is Alexis shares exactly what that is!)

Most interestingly though, I wanted to bring on Alexis because she has made it a point to share vulnerable things about your life, your relationships, your struggles, anxiety, etc on social media.

She shares why this is important to her, how other people can start to feel more comfortable with sharing their vulnerabilities, what "image management" is, as well as what it's like to work for a completely remote company, and how she prioritizes her side hustle passions alongside a full-time job.

Guys, I compared her to Brene Brown during the episode because she is just THAT GOOD.

Excited for you to tune in and hope you enjoy!

Day in the Life of Alexis Teichmiller | ConvertKit Manager

Show notes

In today's episode, you'll find out:

    • How Alexis got started working for ConvertKit.
    • Why it's important to Alexis to share not only the great parts of her life but also the vulnerable parts of her life, her relationships, and anxiety.
    • What image management is and why we need to let it go.
    • Her tips on how other people start to feel more comfortable with sharing their vulnerabilities.
    • The best part about working at ConverKit and her experience working for a completely remote company.
    • How she prioritizes her side hustle passions and a full-time job plus advice she would give others who want to do the same.
    • Her biggest struggles and misconceptions about her career.
    • Her 3 non-negotiable travel items she can't live without.

Alexis Teichmiller is the Affiliate Manager at ConvertKit, an email marketing provider for online creators. She is a content creators for hospitality brands as well as the host of The Laptop Lifestyle Podcast.

Helping entrepreneurs tell their story and grow their businesses are two of her biggest passions.

Key takeaways from this episode

[bctt tweet="I always say I want people who are going to cheer me on, call me out and call me up. - @alexisteich on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @Brittneyllynn" via="no"]

[bctt tweet="There was this moment I had decide: who do I want to be? Do I want to be me? Or do I want to be the woman that people think I am? - @alexisteich on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @Brittneyllynn" via="no"]

[bctt tweet="I don't believe in work-life balance. Something will always be out of equilibrium. - @alexisteich on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @Brittneyllynn" via="no"]

Links to resources

Follow Alexis:

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  • Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Google Play
  • Leave an honest review on iTunes. The ratings and reviews help for two reasons: 1) Most importantly, I get to know you, the listener, and what content you enjoy the most. 2) The more reviews the podcast has, the better chance it has at getting in front of new listeners.
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Thanks so much for tuning in. See ya next week!


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