Lisa & Peter Hoppe: World Travelers
On today's show, I have not one but two guests, Lisa and Peter Hoppe, who are on an adventure of traveling the world for one year!Peter is a web designer who was able to take his work on the road with him and Lisa shares the traveling adventures on their YouTube account, Happy Hoppe.Lisa & Peter have always loved traveling but when they received some devastating news, they decided to up and leave the U.S. in favor of traveling the world for an entire year.We chat about what led them to make the decision to become world travelers for a year, how they prepared for their trip, what it costs them to travel (we talk exact numbers!), their struggles, and a whole lot more!Excited for you to tune in and hope you enjoy!
Lisa and Peter Hoppe | World Travelers
Show notes
In today's episode, you'll find out:
- Why Lisa and Peter Hoppe decided to leave the U.S. and travel the world for one year.
- Their families reaction to their decision to travel the world.
- How Lisa & Peter prepared in advance for traveling the world for a year.
- How they make money while they're traveling and how much they saved in advance before leaving.
- What the monthly cost is for them to travel to different countries.
- Their advice for people who want to take time off to travel.
- Some of the struggles they've experienced while traveling full-time.
- One thing they would do differently if they had to start over.
We are Peter and Lisa, a married couple (of 5 years) who LOVES adventure!Peter is a solopreneur. He double-majored in finance and marketing and was set to pursue the corporate route. But, 6 years ago, he went into business for himself and successfully started Garetii Media. What originally started out as a website company, has grown into website, graphic design and videos and is primarily referral based.Lisa majored in video broadcasting and have helped Peter with a few videos for Garetii and have done a few sales jobs and nannying, but have always wanted to be a stay-at-home mom.After finding out devastating news in February 2016 that I was infertile, Peter wisely asked us to wait a year before starting the adoption process. Then almost a year later, in January 2017 through different circumstances, I had the idea to travel the world for a year while Peter continued to work remotely.Peter loved the idea and the next day had an action plan for us.July 2017 we started a 1 year around the WORLD trip! 6 continents // 12 months! Goal: keep income and expenses around the same as if we were in Colorado!Lisa makes a daily YouTube video, so you can experience the WHOLE journey - the good, bad, beautiful & ugly. We show that travel doesn't have to break the bank & we hope our videos inspire you to live your dream.
Key takeaways from this episode
[bctt tweet="I had to ask, are you sure you want to do this because if we get halfway around the world I don't want to stop and come home until we're done. - Peter Hoppe" via="no"]"Back in the States, I definitely had more of a normal routine." - Peter Hoppe"Typically, our average is about $35/night."- Peter Hoppe"So far, we've been to 45 different countries in 202 days." - Lisa Hoppe[bctt tweet="When it was warmer weather, sometimes we'd sleep in a car. - Lisa Hoppe" via="no"][bctt tweet="Part of the goal for this trip was to inspire more people to go to those places they've always dreamed of. - Peter Hoppe" via="no"]"Today, it's so much easier to travel and find budget options than it used to be." - Peter Hoppe[bctt tweet="Figure out how to get rid of all of the expenses you have at home so you don't take those expenses with you. - Peter Hoppe" via="no"]"We have our work days where we're locked down in a room all day long working and we have days where we're exploring all day." - Peter Hoppe"If there would be one thing I'd do differently, it would be better utilize my time on the buses in Europe." - Lisa Hoppe[bctt tweet="Everywhere we go, I try to be intentional about smiling at the people that we are passing on the street. - Lisa Hoppe" via="no"]
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