Your 2020 Publicity Plan

Find out how to create your 2020 publicity plan that will help you in increasing your reach, revenue and impact.

Hey hey there Human Connection listeners! We are deep into November which means the holidays are almost here which means a new year is coming up SOON!

You may have already started thinking about your 2020 goals for your business and I want to walk you through creating your 2020 publicity plan.

Now first, let me dismiss some common myths and explain to why you need a publicity plan for 2020.

Let me ask you this: is one of your 2020 goals any of the following?

  • Make more sales of a particular service or product you have?
  • Increase your revenue?
  • Grow your email list?
  • Get in front of brand new audiences, further exposing your reach and impact in your industry and in the world?

Then you NEED a publicity plan!

In today’s episode, you'll find out how to create your 2020 publicity plan that will help you in increasing your reach, revenue and impact.

Your 2020 Publicity Plan

Resources mentioned during the episode

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