Merritt Beck: Lifestyle & Fashion Blogger, Editor of The Style Scribe

On today's show, I have Merritt Beck who is a Lifestyle & Fashion Blogger and Editor of The Style Scribe.I started following Merritt after my husband and I found out we would be moving to Dallas. Of course, my logical first step in figuring out where the fun places to go, live, and eat was googling "Dallas bloggers" and up popped Merritt's website!If you've ever wondered what it's like to be a full-time blogger, this is an episode you won't want to miss. We chat about how she got started, advice she'd give to people who want to make money blogging, what she thinks people misconceive about blogging as a job, how exactly she makes an income from blogging and a whole lot more!
Merritt Beck | Lifestyle & Fashion Blogger: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for Lifestyle & Fashion Blogger Merritt Beck? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast to find out!
Merritt Beck | Lifestyle & Fashion Blogger: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for Lifestyle & Fashion Blogger Merritt Beck? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast to find out!
Merritt Beck | Lifestyle & Fashion Blogger: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for Lifestyle & Fashion Blogger Merritt Beck? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast to find out!
Merritt Beck | Lifestyle & Fashion Blogger: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for Lifestyle & Fashion Blogger Merritt Beck? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast to find out!
Merritt Beck | Lifestyle & Fashion Blogger: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for Lifestyle & Fashion Blogger Merritt Beck? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast to find out!

Merritt Beck | Lifestyle & Fashion Blogger, Editor of The Style Scribe

Show Notes

In today's episode, you'll find out:
  • How Merritt got started as a fashion blogger.
  • What she thinks people misconceive about full-time bloggers.
  • One thing she struggles with on being a blogger.
  • Advice she would give to people who are just starting out in the blogging industry.
  • How exactly she makes money from blogging.
  • Whether or not she thinks blogging will be a lucrative career in the next 5, 10, & 15 years.
  • Her opinions on the Instagram algorithm, loop giveaways, and fake followers.
Merritt Beck is the founder and editor of The Style Scribe, a lifestyle and fashion blog that celebrates style, travel, beauty and life's other little luxuries. Since January 2011, The Style Scribe has been a daily destination for women looking for elevated style suggestions, luxury travel tips and the best of what's new in beauty, fitness and home. 

Key takeaways from this episode:

“At that time, there weren't easy ways to make money.” - Merritt Beck[bctt tweet="When I started using rewardStyle, I saw sales right away. -@merrittbeck" via="no"]Over time, I started making more and more and it really opened my eyes to the possibility of "oh my gosh, I can totally do this for a living." - Merritt Beck[bctt tweet="I kept track of what I was making each month, if I was getting partnerships, and I probably left my full-time job a little sooner than I should have. -@merrittbeck" via="no"]"I am definitely a morning person." Merritt Beck[bctt tweet="One of my favorite parts about what I do is the way I'm able to connect with people. - @merrittbeck" via="no"]"I do find that the bloggers that are the most engaged with their readers, the ones that respond, or that really take an interest in what readers have to say build the most loyal following." - Merritt Beck[bctt tweet="Now that I am more comfortable delegating, it's easier for me to focus on things that actually matter to me. - @merrittbeck" via="no"]“It's actually a lot of work and I would say that's one of the biggest misconceptions about what we do.” - Merritt Beck[bctt tweet="The problem today is that because it's so saturated, there aren't many unique voices anymore. - @merrittbeck" via="no"]"You have to create your own schedule if you work at home." - Merritt Beck

Links to resources:

Follow Merritt:

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Merritt Beck | Lifestyle & Fashion Blogger: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for Lifestyle & Fashion Blogger Merritt Beck? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast to find out!Merritt Beck | Lifestyle & Fashion Blogger: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for Lifestyle & Fashion Blogger Merritt Beck? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast to find out!


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Megan Weaver: Photographer


Daron Roberts: Former NFL Coach & Founding Director, Center for Sports Leadership and Innovation @ UT