Meghan Meredith: Certified Health & Wellness Coach

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Meghan Meredith | Certified Health & Wellness Coach

Show notes

In today's episode, you'll find out:

  • How Meghan got started as a health and wellness coach.
  • What Meghan thinks people misconceive about the health coaching industry.
  • Her struggles with social media as a business owner and how she handles the pressure of always being "on."
  • Advice she'd give listeners to lead a healthier lifestyle.
  • Her advice on how to incorporate a slower morning into your routine.
  • If she feels pressure to be "healthy" all of the time and how she handles it.
  • How she prioritizes her own health in order to serve others well.

Meghan is the founder of HomeBodySoul, a lifestyle wellness brand for women. Meghan is also the author and creator of Whole Body Fitness: A Self Guided Fitness Planner.Meghan is passionate about coming alongside and inspiring women to become their best self. She believes in a holistic approach to living and that our environments profoundly impact our overall health and wellbeing. Her over-arching goal is to help women create more beautiful, healthier, and meaningful lives!Meghan loves sipping green tea, sunflowers, and slow mornings. She currently reside in the South Bay area of Los Angeles, CA with my husband and their pup, Nusu. She is an old soul, a small town girl, and a big dreamer.

Key takeaways from this episode

"I've always been really passionate about health and wellness and helping people to live healthier lifestyles." - Meghan Meredith"I want to help people prevent disease and illness." - Meghan Meredith"Health coaching isn't like conventional medical care at all." - Meghan Meredith[bctt tweet="As a #healthcoach, my goal is to help people create strategic, meaningful goals that they can take action on. - Meghan Meredith on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @brittneyllynn" via="no"]"You're not going to change your whole lifestyle overnight." - Meghan Meredith[bctt tweet="What works for one person probably isn't going to work for the next person. - Meghan Meredith, on health & wellness on the Day in the Life podcast" username="BrittneyLLynn"]"I love slow mornings, I savor them. I don't like feeling rushed." - Meghan MeredithIt's so freeing to be able to say no. - Meghan Meredith"We cannot be finding our identity in social media." - Meghan Meredith

Links to resources

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Meghan Meredith | Certified Health and Wellness Coach: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for a Certified Health and Wellness Coach? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast interviewing Meghan Meredith to find out! Meghan Meredith | Certified Health and Wellness Coach: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for a Certified Health and Wellness Coach? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast interviewing Meghan Meredith to find out!


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Rachel Wilkerson Miller: Senior Lifestyle Editor at BuzzFeed


Paul Meier: Former Lutheran Pastor