MINI-SODE: Why You Need To Spend Less Time On Social Media

Hey hey happy minisode Friday! This week's interview with Nicholas Collins was a fun one and one thing we talked about a lot was social media and the presence it plays in kids lives.As someone that started their career in social media, I've always had a weird relationship with it. Like, part of me loves it and it's brought me to some of my closest friends. It can definitely be used for inspiration and connection.But the other part of me really struggles with it because I don't want to feel constantly tied to my phone and to be honest, I like having part of my life private. I don't want to share EVERYTHING about my life.It's hard for me to completely disconnect because it is very tied to my job, but at times I do have to completely step away.In today's minisode, I share reasons why we should ALL spend less time on social media and 3 tips on how you can limit your time.Excited for you to tune in and hope you enjoy!Why You Need To Spend Less Time On Social Media: Do you feel totally drained from the incessant scrolling on social media that you do every day? I think we all do. During this podcast episode, you'll learn why you need to spend less time on social media and 3 tips on how can start limiting your time on social media. #socialmedia #marketing #addiction #truths

MINI-SODE | Why You Need To Spend Less Time On Social Media

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Why You Need To Spend Less Time On Social Media: Do you feel totally drained from the incessant scrolling on social media that you do every day? I think we all do. During this podcast episode, you'll learn why you need to spend less time on social media and 3 tips on how can start limiting your time on social media. #socialmedia #marketing #addiction #truths

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Elizabeth Laime: Comedy Writer & Host of the Totally Laime Podcast


Nicholas Collins: Middle School Principal