Lauren Ade: Clinical Nurse Specialist

On today's show, I have Lauren Ade who is a Clinical Nurse Specialist located in eastern Tennessee.Lauren and I went to college together at Purdue and have stayed close friends ever since. We even took a trip to Ireland together!I've always admired Lauren and her passion for working in the healthcare system. I had yet to have someone on the podcast that works in healthcare, so I knew I had to have her on!We talk about how a clinical nurse specialist is different from other nursing roles, her thoughts on the current US policy on healthcare, advice she'd give for someone who wants to work in the healthcare industry, as well as how she stays organized and balances family time.Excited for you to tune in and hope you enjoy!Lauren Ade | Clinical Nurse Specialist: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for a Clinical Nurse Specialist? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast to find out!

Lauren Ade | Clinical Nurse Specialist

Show notes

In today's episode, you'll find out:

  • What a Clinical Nurse Specialist does and how their role is different from other nursing roles.
  • Her biggest struggle she has working in healthcare.
  • A moment she was really proud during her career.
  • Advice she would give to someone who wants to become a Clinical Nurse Specialist.
  • Her thoughts on the current U.S. Healthcare policy and how it effects her job.
  • How she balances family time and her career.
  • What she wishes people knew about working in healthcare.

Lauren is a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Knoxville, TN. She has been a registered nurse for 9 years, and has become passionate about improving the lives of people with chronic diseases, and heart failure specifically. She graduated with her MSN in December 2016, and now holds an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse license in the state of Tennessee. Her goal is to improve patient outcomes by influencing nursing care on a system-level, as well as provide clinical expertise and guidance to nurses and patients.

Above everything else, she is a wife and a mom.

Key takeaways from this episode

"I was drawn to the Clinical Nurse Specialist role as a way to make a bigger impact on patient care and to improve the systems, policies, and processes in which patients are cared for." - Lauren Ade[bctt tweet="The overall goal for a Clinical Nurse Specialist is to improve patient outcomes by improving the systems that the hospitals or care systems use. - Lauren Ade" username="BrittneyLLynn"]"I found that I was really drawn to the data, evidence, and research regarding patient outcomes." - Lauren Ade[bctt tweet="You have to take care of your body. You can't treat it like garbage and then expect it to serve you well for the long term. - Lauren Ade" username="BrittneyLLynn"]"In order to be a good Clinical Nurse Specialist, you need to be really flexible and really comfortable in that gray area and that's something I struggled with when I first started." - Lauren Ade[bctt tweet="Getting out of your comfort zone really helps you become better at your job. - Lauren Ade" username="BrittneyLLynn"]

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