Day in the Life of John Lee Dumas, Host of the Entrepreneurs on Fire Podcast
Affiliate disclaimer: Heads up! There are affiliate links in these show notes. What that means is if you click on a link and then make a purchase, I make a small percentage of money because I referred you. This comes at no additional cost to you. I only share products and resources that I trust and that I know will help you in your business. Grateful for your support!On today's show, I have John Lee Dumas, host of the Entrepreneurs on Fire podcast.I’m honored JLD decided to come onto the show to share what a day in his life is really like!John and I met at Podcast Movement earlier this year and were chatting, of course about podcasts. I was telling him the premise behind mine and he loved it! He’s very into morning routines and being his most productive self so I had to invite him on to share.Excited for you to tune in and hope you enjoy!
Day in the Life of John Lee Dumas, Host of the Entrepreneurs on Fire Podcast
Show notes
In today's episode, you'll find out:
- John Lee Dumas' typical morning routine.
- How John Lee Dumas prioritizes the variety of projects and tasks he's consistently working on.
- One piece of advice he would offer listeners that will help you increase your productivity, discipline, and focus in each individual day.
- How you can have the best day ever every day.
- His most and least favorite parts of his day.
John Lee Dumas is the host of Entrepreneurs on Fire, an award-winning podcast where he interviews inspiring Entrepreneurs every Monday and drops value bombs every Thursday. With over 2000 episodes, 1.3 million listens every month, and seven-figures of annual revenue, JLD is just getting started. Visit to set YOUR Entrepreneurial journey ON FIRE!
Key takeaways from this episode
[bctt tweet="There's something mental about seeing the sun rising out of the ocean that I feel like I got a jumpstart on the day. - @johnleedumas on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @brittneyllynn" via="no"][bctt tweet="My mornings are my creative time. That's when I'm working on projects that really take a lot of energy. - @johnleedumas on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @brittneyllynn" via="no"][bctt tweet="Tasks will expand to the time that you allot them. Period. End of story. - @johnleedumas on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @brittneyllynn" via="no"][bctt tweet="Whenever I find myself with more than four priorities, I pull back and say I have too much on my plate. - @johnleedumas on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @brittneyllynn" via="no"]
Links to resources
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