Jacob Breach: Speechwriter for the Dept of Defense

Jacob and I first met in college during our Purdue days and it's been fascinating to see him grow in a career he's so passionate about.When I first started making a list of potential people to interview, Jacob was at the top of my list since his career as a Speechwriter for the Department of Defense is vastly different than mine (or anyone else I know!).It's a super fascinating conversation and I'm excited for you to tune in!Jacob Breach | Speechwriter for the Dept of Defense: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for a Speechwriter for the Dept. of Defense? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast interviewing Jacob Breach to find out!

Jacob Breach | Speechwriter for the Dept of Defense

Show notes

In today's show, you'll learn:

  • How Jake got into working for the government.
  • How he fell into his current role being a Speechwriter for the Dept. of Defense.
  • His tips on becoming a better writer.
  • How he starts his day and what websites he first checks in the morning.
  • The difference between working in politics and working for the government.
  • His thoughts on political dramas on tv and how accurate it is to real life.
  • One of his biggest struggles working for the government.
  • Resources he pulls from to help him start to create the pieces he's writing
  • What he thinks people misconceive about working in the government and a speechwriter.
  • The time he felt most intimidated while working in the government.
  • The importance of communication skills in our world today.

Jacob Breach is the speechwriter to the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and a national security professional and public affairs officer with the U.S. Department of Defense. He has written for two directors, Lieutenant General Robert Ashley, USA, and Lieutenant General Vincent Stewart, USMC. Previously, he served as a member of the National Security Council staff at the White House, on the personal staff of a Member of Congress, and with the Department of State. He is a photographer in his spare time.Jacob's speeches have been delivered around the world, and have covered topics as diverse as geopolitics, security challenges, technological and organizational adaptation, mentorship, and lessons from American history. At the White House, Jacob served as a staff officer and editor for the National Security Advisor and the President of the United States, reviewing briefing memos, directives, and reports to Congress. He managed the briefing paper process for presidential trips to Jamaica, Panama, and France.Jacob earned a Master of Science in Strategic Intelligence from the National Intelligence University and a Bachelor of Arts from Purdue University with majors in Political Science and History. His graduate thesis was a historical comparative study of the early 20th and 21st Centuries to forecast possible emerging threats to the United States and develop strategic warning indicators for conflict.Previously, Jacob worked for the House of Representatives with Congressman Joe Heck. He began working for the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2011 and served on the National Security Council staff from 2014-2015.

Jacob is a member of Young Professionals in Foreign Policy, Theta Tau Fraternity, Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society, and Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science Honor Society. He is also an alumnus of the Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars. Jacob is an Eagle Scout as well.

Key takeaways from this episode

"No assignment I work on is ever the same." - Jacob Breach[bctt tweet="I do thrive on getting to work on new and exciting projects. - Jacob Breach" username="BrittneyLLynn"]"There is an exhilaration of having to turn something around really fast. The pressure can be exciting." - Jacob Breach[bctt tweet="Sometimes the urgent drowns out the important. - Jacob Breach" username="BrittneyLLynn"]"Our job is to execute the government's policies and not think about politics at all." - Jacob Breach"I like to view my job as contributing to protecting the people of the United States and protecting our national interests." - Jacob Breach"A speech is a story. It's starting at one point and getting your audience to another point and getting them to accept your premise along the way." - Jacob Breach"At the end of the day, our customers are citizens of the United States. We're trying to keep this country safe." - Jacob Breach"There's a lot of people in D.C. and around the world who are just trying to keep this country safe and so that we can live our lives free." - Jacob Breach

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