Day in the Life of Jackie Stoughton, Lawyer at Jade & Oak

On today's show, I have Jackie Stoughton who is a lawyer located in Pittsburgh, Pennslyvania.During the episode, Jackie and I discuss what made her get into the law industry, her struggles in her career, misconceptions people have about lawyers, and so much more!Also, this will be the LAST new interview episode of 2018! We will be re-releasing some popular episodes over the next few weeks and will be taking a holiday break to rest and recharge. Excited to see what 2019 brings for the Day in the Life podcast!Excited for you to tune in and hope you enjoy!

Day in the Life of a Lawyer: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for a lawyer? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast with Jackie Stoughton to find out! #lawyer #law

Day in the Life of Jackie Stoughton | Lawyer at Jade & Oak

Show notes

In today's episode, you'll find out:

  • What made Jackie decide to go into the law industry.
  • What she struggles with the most in her career as a lawyer.
  • Misconceptions people have about what it's really like to be a lawyer.
  • One piece of advice she'd offer to someone who wants to become a lawyer.
  • What the FTC laws are in regards to sponsored blog posts & social media content and why you need to disclose who you partner with.
  • Why it's important to have a will.

Jackie works full time doing trust work for a bank, while also working part-time on her side hustle, Jade & Oak. While working as a litigator after graduating from law school, she started a lifestyle blog as a creative outlet. That blog transformed into the current Jade & Oak, where Jackie shares legal education and information for business owners and bloggers. She loves that she has created her own career where she has the stability of a corporate job along with the creative freedom of her side hustle.

Key takeaways from this episode

[bctt tweet="We like to say your money is in trust because your family didn't trust you. - @jackiejade on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @brittneyllynn" via="no"][bctt tweet="Everyone is telling you what they need is most important. It can be hard to prioritize. - @jackiejade on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @brittneyllynn" via="no"][bctt tweet="Just because you have a blog or a website and you're not making money yet, your site needs to be legal. - @jackiejade on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @brittneyllynn" via="no"]

Links to resources

Follow Guest Jackie:

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