Day in the Life of Hailley Griffis, Public Relations Manager at Buffer
On today's show, I have Hailley Griffis who is the Public Relations Manager at Buffer.I sat in on Hailley’s presentation with her colleague Brian during Podcast Movement and they discussed what it was like to grow and manage Buffer’s podcast, The Science of Social Media.Because Hailley also works in the PR industry, I thought it’d be great to bring on someone who does a similar job to mine, except for a much bigger company.Hailley and I talk about how she applied multiple times before landing a job at Buffer, what it’s like to work with a completely remote team, why Buffer puts an importance on being an open and transparent company with the public, what she struggles with in her career and so much more.Excited for you to tune in and hope you enjoy!
Day in the Life of Hailley Griffis | Public Relations Manager at Buffer
Show notes
In today's episode, you'll find out:
- How Hailley got a job at Buffer after applying multiple times.
- What it’s like to work with a completely remote team.
- Why Buffer puts an importance on being an open and transparent company.
- What she struggles with in her career the most.
- Her best tips on scripting podcasts.
- Pitching tips to the media and journalists
Hailley Griffis is Buffer’s Public Relations Manager where she spreads the word about Buffer’s unique company culture initiatives through public relations. She’s also a co-host on Buffer’s podcast, The Science of Social Media, an iTunes “Top 10” in social media and her side project podcast is called MakeWorkWork. When she's not on the internet, Hailley visits family and friends around the world, she also spends a lot of time doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Key takeaways from this episode
[bctt tweet="To get a job at @Buffer is definitely not luck. It’s a lot of hard work. - @HailleyMari on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @brittneyllynn" via="no"][bctt tweet="A lot of people think PR people are professionals liars. We're not.- @HailleyMari on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @brittneyllynn" via="no"][bctt tweet="I think reporters don’t expect us to be so transparent and they’re constantly shocked. - @HailleyMari on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @brittneyllynn" via="no"]
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