Day in the Life of Eric Lee: CTO of Left Field Labs
On today's show, I have Eric Lee who is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Left Field Labs which is located in Venice, CA.Left Field Labs is dedicated to crafting experiences that connect people with meaning and I was introduced to Eric at a Christmas party through a friend.During the episode, Eric and I chat about how he and his partner started Left Field Labs and how they got the opportunity to work with brands such as Google, Tone It Up, and Android to name a few, the value of creativity in the workplace and how important it is to a company's mission, and so much more!Excited for you to tune in and hope you enjoy!
Eric Lee | CTO of Left Field Labs
Show notes
In today's episode, you'll find out:
- How he and his partner started their business Left Field Labs.
- What it's like to work with huge brands such as Google, Tone it Up, and Android to name a few.
- How he and his team breaks up, delegates and prioritizes the tasks needed for such huge projects they work on.
- One thing he struggles with the most in his career.
- A piece of advice he'd offer to someone who wants to become a computer programmer/developer.
- Tips on interviewing and how to hire great candidates.
- Misconceptions people have about his career.
- A product he wishes existed in the world but doesn't yet.
Eric Lee is a creative technologist who has served over a decade in creative and technical leadership positions. He is Partner and CTO of Left Field Labs, where he leads a team of over 100 designers, developers, and strategists, who've launched hundreds of globally recognized digital products and experiences—from VR and websites, to apps and experiential installations for Google, Android, Estée Lauder, Uber, Disney, and Harvard University, among many others. Eric heads the experimental and research division of Left Field Labs, leading research and prototyping efforts for machine learning, mixed reality, and product development.
Key takeaways from this episode
[bctt tweet="I never set out in my career to be someone that is a leader of a company. - @e_lee on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @brittneyllynn" via="no"][bctt tweet="What we say is that we are a place where we come together to solve our common problems with uncommon creativity. - @e_lee on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @brittneyllynn" via="no"][bctt tweet="Balance and time is definitely a struggle. Between family, work, my friends, and taking care of myself. My time is split pretty thin. - @e_lee on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @brittneyllynn" via="no"]
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