Devon Smiley: Negotiation Consultant
On today's show, I have Devon Smiley who is a Negotiation Consultant located in Paris, France!I'm not going to lie, I didn't really know what a negotiation consultant actually did before speaking to Devon. Of course, they help with negotiating but ...what does that exactly mean? Devon shares all about how she got into negotiating as a career, the mistakes most people make when it comes to negotiating (whether it's for a new contract with a client or increase in pay at work or more), her best tips on negotiating and what to do if you've lost the upper hand, and so much more!Excited for you to tune in and hope you enjoy!
Devon Smiley | Negotiation Consultant
Show notes
In today's episode, you'll find out:
- How Devon got started as a negotiation expert.
- How you can better negotiate throughout your daily life.
- The most common negotiation mistakes people make and to not make those mistakes yourself.
- The biggest struggle Devon has as a negotiation consultant.
- Her best tips on recovering when you think you've lost the upper hand in a negotiation.
- What people misconceive about negotiation consultants.
- Devon's advice on pitching yourself and putting yourself out there.
- How to be better about asking for help when you need it.
Key takeaways from this episode
[bctt tweet="I actually used to really hate negotiation. - @DevonMSmiley" via="no"]It's more about building relationships and being a good communicator. - Devon SmileyI think the biggest challenge was finding my voice outside of the corporate world. - Devon SmileyI've actually gotten at least 75% of my most recent clients from Instagram. - Devon Smiley[bctt tweet="Make sure that whatever it is that you're pitching, make it crystal clear how it will benefit the other person. - @DevonMSmiley" via="no"]Really ask yourself, "what's the worst that could happen?" - Devon SmileyI still have occasionally a fear that I'll make a total fool out of myself. - Devon Smiley[bctt tweet="I had this big fear that I'd be the butt of a joke and to this date I've not known that to ever happen. - @DevonMSmiley" via="no"]If you're being professional about how you're asking for things in the first place, you tend to get a professional reaction back. - Devon Smiley[bctt tweet="The first mistakes I see people making is not bothering to ask for things because they think they're too small. - @DevonMSmiley" via="no"]I wish people would take time to prepare before they negotiate. - Devon Smiley[bctt tweet="The number one thing to practice is to be able to spot opportunities to negotiate. - @DevonMSmiley" via="no"]It's one of those things where people don't want to ask for help, they don't want to admit they need a break. We aren't robots. We don't have to power through at all costs. - Devon Smiley[bctt tweet="The best part of my day is when I get home at the end of a long day and I'm exhausted but very satisfied with all that I've accomplished. - @DevonMSmiley" via="no"]If you're going to be quick to complain, be quick to compliment. - Devon Smiley
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