10 Ways To Find Motivation After Taking A Long Vacation

10 Ways To Find Motivation After Taking A Long Vacation | Feeling the vacation blues after getting back from an amazing long vacation? Click to read these 10 ways to find motivation after taking a long vacation!It's been almost a month since my husband and I got back from our two and half week vacation to Europe and I'll admit, it took me longer than I wanted to find motivation again.While I did do some work while I was overseas, for the most part, I worked ahead enough that I didn't have to do much. And while that was nice, it made coming back that much harder.Even though I love running my own business and being the boss, I still lose motivation at times. I don't have a boss telling me I have to do something, so if I lose my motivation, I lose out on potential business which is not good.My motivation did come back though, once I followed these steps. I hope they help you find your motivation again too!

10 Ways To Find Motivation After Taking A Long Vacation

Give yourself at least two days after returning

I cannot stress this enough. Take at least two days after returning to get your life back together.You will have laundry, housekeeping, unpacking, grocery shopping and more to get done. Plus all of the emails to go through.I told clients I would be gone until July 11, but I was technically getting back on July 8th. Having these extra days helped me get all of my personal tasks in order before diving back into the regular work week.

10 Ways To Find Motivation After Taking A Long Vacation | Feeling the vacation blues after getting back from an amazing long vacation? Click to read these 10 ways to find motivation after taking a long vacation!

Be honest about it

For most, it's just going to downright stink to come back to regular life. You may have the vacation blues and that's okay.Admitting to my husband, friends, and even myself that I wasn't quite mentally ready to come back into the regular working world immediately made me feel better, because most were understanding and had gone through the same thing before.You won't feel like this forever and you will get your motivation back. All it takes is time!

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Think of all the things you missed while traveling

Coming back after a long vacation can end up giving you wanderlust for wanting to travel even more. It sure did for me. But once I started thinking of all the things I missed (our dog, our friends, In-N-Out (being honest here...) made me excited and motivated to come back home.Write out a list of all the things and people you missed while traveling. These can be serious such as listing your family and friends, but I'd also recommend including small things like driving your own car, your favorite restaurant, or reliable WIFI.

10 Ways To Find Motivation After Taking A Long Vacation | Feeling the vacation blues after getting back from an amazing long vacation? Click to read these 10 ways to find motivation after taking a long vacation!

Schedule in a fun activity the week you get back

We scheduled a fun night out with friends as soon as we got back. One, to catch up with our friends and trade vacation stories, but two, to have something to look forward to after getting back.Even if it's just meeting a friend for coffee or scheduling a manicure appointment...it can make a world of difference.

Know that you'll be productive later

Though it may seem like your motivation is gone forever, it will come back. It always does.We all have off days where nothing seems to get accomplished and the work piles on, but you will get back into the groove and be productive later.For me, trying to force motivation and productivity ends in me being even less productive than if I just took the afternoon off without even thinking about work. Something as simple as taking a walk or getting a simple errand done can get me out of my funk fast.[bctt tweet="Getting back from a long vacation? Here are 10 ways to find #motivation after returning from an extended trip from @BrittneyLLynn!" via="no"]

Write or talk about it

Sometimes doing the simple act of writing about feeling unmotivated helps me get over the unproductive hump.If you aren't comfortable with writing (or hate writing!) try and find someone to talk to about it. Sometimes explaining your feelings of being unmotivated helps you break through the real reasons why your unmotivated and can help you gain clarity as to what to do next.

Don't compare yourself to social media

Social media can be a place for comparison and when you're feeling unmotivated you do not want to be comparing yourself.Some days you're productive, some days you're not as productive. It happens. But looking at the carefully curated social media profiles can make you feel less than and that's not going to help you get your motivation back any sooner.I set time limits on how long I can scroll on social media and I make sure that I'm not in a mindset where I'll be more likely to compare myself to others.

10 Ways To Find Motivation After Taking A Long Vacation | Feeling the vacation blues after getting back from an amazing long vacation? Click to read these 10 ways to find motivation after taking a long vacation!

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Give yourself a break

I admit I have a really hard time doing this, but do as I say, not as I do. Give yourself permission to take it easy for a week or two and not be so hard on yourself. Does that mean not taking care of any of your responsibilities and watching Netflix for 12 hours a day? No.What this does mean is not expecting to come back and jump right into productivity mode. Tasks may take twice as long as they used to do, laundry might sit a few days longer than you'd like, and you may only formerly workout once a week.In the end, it's okay. Give yourself a break. The tasks will get done, laundry will be folded, and you'll work out again some other week.

Listen to a motivational podcast/book/playlist

Sometimes all it takes for me to find my motivation is to listen to someone else talk about their experiences. Podcasts and audio books are a great way to get an outside perspective and to get your brain to think about something in a different way.I have a list of podcasts that I know I can go to that always fire me up and make me motivated to come back to work. A few of my favorite podcasts include:

If all else fails, put on your favorite playlist and jam out in your room/office/car (or all of the above!). Good music can work wonders for your mood.

10 Ways To Find Motivation After Taking A Long Vacation | Feeling the vacation blues after getting back from an amazing long vacation? Click to read these 10 ways to find motivation after taking a long vacation!

Final thoughts

No matter what tips you implement, know that nearly everyone has gone or will go through the same thing. Taking significant time away from your job or business can be life changing, but you must give your mind the attention and break it needs once you come back.

Question: How do you motivate yourself after coming back from a long vacation?

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